
Monday 21 March 2011

A Narrow Boat by Kiran

My special place is on a narrow boat when I went away on a weekend to stay on one. This is my special place because it brings me warm and comforting memories. I went with my family (my mum, dad and my sister) and my mum’s friend. I went there when I was about 5 years old and I still have the memories stuck into my head.
A narrow boat is a boat that is made to fit narrow canals. It is very long and very narrow (like in the name). It has many windows where there are amazing views that you can see.
The memory I remember most was when my mum’s friend crashed into a tree while she was controlling the boat. It was the first time I went there and it was an amazing experience. I was as excited as a child who had eaten dozens of sweets.
When I was there I saw amazing places that I can’t even name, we went shopping in different places and we ate strange mysterious kinds of food that I had never tried before.
A picturesque scene surrounded the boat. I heard the birds tweeting as well as the loud roar of the boat’s engine. I smelt the strong salty water coming from the outside of the boat. I breathed in the fresh air that filled my lungs with happiness. I felt excited, wondering what we were going to see next…         

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