
Friday, 1 April 2011

Dorset by Rosie

My Special Place
The Journey
I have only been to my special place once, but the memory will remain with me always. I discovered it when on holiday in Dorset at Easter. I remember having an argument with my brother, and crossly trudged up a muddy lane, wanting to be alone. My boots squelching satisfyingly in the oozing mud. A whiff of wild garlic made my nose fizz. The trees yawned and swayed above me, creaking like an old man’s ancient limbs. Their leaves whispered reassuringly and let golden sunlight peep through and dance on my shoulder. It tickled my face and hair igniting them with gold, fairy dust. Ferns like green fingers made a frayed curtain over the wild garlic covered banks. I found an interesting mudslide and scrambled eagerly up it. At the top there was a huge gate half swamped in mud and wild flowers. I vaulted it and peeped curiously through a marigold encrusted arch.
Through the arch I found a field. But it was no ordinary field. Daisies, marigolds, buttercups and dandelions littered the grassy, mossy carpet. I was alone. Alone with the azure sky and the sound of chirping birds. It was a wonderful feeling. It was as if I was suddenly free. Free to circle the open sky with the magnificent, dominating hawks above. I sat down on the soft grass that was my cushion and began to weave chains of flowers. I hung the necklaces, bracelets, rings and crowns round my golden head. I sat and dreamed of goodness knows what! I looked around at this heavenly place, never wanting to leave. The view behind me was astounding. Hundreds of fields were sewn together by the hedges decorating their sides. It looked like a patchwork quilt. The tiny tractors and insect people below me teetered about like dolls little imps and fairies from a dolls house! Suddenly it was time to go home. I slowly got up, annoyed at having to leave, but that feeling didn’t last long. I was calmed just by looking at the natural, innocent beauty around me.
I skipped past the lovely little river at the bottom of the derelict farm yard, past the marigolds sleeping lazily by the side of the gravelly path leading to the cute cottage that I was staying. I gave a cheery wave to the cows behind be that were dozing in the field and sleepily munching and chewing on the fresh green grass. In my room as I got ready to go to the local pub with my family after a strenuous game of Monopoly, I gazed out of the old, fantastic feature that was the window. It curved graciously out, leaving a beautiful window seat on which I had placed an old vase I had found in the kitchen. It was filled to the brim with shimmering marigolds, daffodils waving their smart yellow trumpets about and a delicate bouquet of blossom that filled the room with a wonderful, fresh scent. I had found all these pretty flowers in the garden and had produced a gorgeous posy. The double bed I was sleeping on was like the bed in the Princess and the Pea, the only difference being that every night was filled with a comfortable, soft slumber rather than an uncomfortable bruising!
The lane we had to walk down, to get to the pub, was fairly steep. On either side there was a shallow ditch lined and filled with little red stars and forget-me-nots. The pub, I seem to remember, was called The Horse Shoe. Its interior was typical for a pub but welcoming. All the bric-a-brac to do with horses and blacksmiths you could collect lined the ancient walls. The pub had a homely feel and the food was… DELICIOUS! After I had finished dessert which was a scrumptious bread and butter pudding, I couldn’t actually move. How I was going to be able to stumble down that dark lane home I did not know. But somehow I managed it and was soon slipping away to the land where dreams came true, under a mountain of blankets and quilts. I sighed. Aaahhh… and drifted off!

 By Rosie

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