
Monday 4 April 2011

Willow's Bomb Shelter

My Special Place by Willow

My Special Place is a bomb shelter. People used to go there for safety during the 2nd World War. It is in London in a pretty orchard in Shepherds Bush. The special thing about it is that when you approach it, it doesn't look like a bomb shelter because it is camouflaged in greenery. This is good because nobody bothers with it, so my friend and I get the whole load of fun all to ourselves.

An Anderson Shelter
 As I go towards an apple green lump of camouflaged moss and scrambled brambles and greenery, memories flood back. The dandelions stained the lump a canary colour. A friend and I ran towards the lump and walked round its humongous remains. Round the other side there were rusty bars. We couldn’t touch them because if we did then we would start to rust, ourselves. Inside it was a whole different story. It was like an ashen tortoise with small snakes slithering up the sides. The lump was officially an Anderson Bomb-Shelter.  We were explorers on a wild quest to find the golden box, but there was something stopping us: the dusty horizon was trickling with Native Americans, armed with bows and arrows. We used to play this game whenever we got back from school, (but the best day to play cowboys and Indians was bonfire night). Only because the fireworks were like our own gunfire and because only just having a narrow escape gave the whole scene a greater effect. The hypnotising wisps of fireworks sprayed the night in blooming bursts of colour. Once we reached the bomb shelter an unpleasant sight fed our eyes: the old thing was no longer cared for. Everything was smothered in dirt and grime. Countless woodlice stood motionless (slightly camouflaged against its grotesque surroundings).

Many shouts from my little friend flooded my ears, or was it the wailing fireworks streaming across the sky, causing great stripes to pop out of the sky. The bonfire cackled its evil laugh. We would dare each other to throw branches into its blazed flames. Once we did this we would soon regret it as a sudden cacophony of wood cracking then burning. More shouts from people I know.  Then a cascading sound of Catherine Wheels and blue firework fountains bombarded our eyes with discordant sounds. Some fireworks wailed and screeched and some went out with a tremendous bang. The fireworks were fizzing professionally, as they split the sky into a dazzling scene. We were still running away from the crafty Indians as their wailing screeches stained our ears, so that our terrified calls were drowned in a whirlpool of sounds.

I can remember the strong smell of smoke that was projecting out of the crackling bonfire. The strong aroma of the puffy marshmallows softly toasting in the flames, filled our nostrils with a delightful scent. Only fireworks with a strong smell were projected into the black satin sky. The mindboggling display that was viewed and witnessed was shortly followed by an even more mindboggling smell of burning. I was shortly wondering if it was possible for the sky catch fire, but luckily it didn’t.

I clutched the dead piece of wood in my hand. It was damp but my hand was determined to fling it into the bonfire. I can fell the warmth that was lingering around it. I felt the wood slowly leave my fingers as it was in my hand one minute and the next minute it was roasting in the hungry flames of the luminous beast. Its flames were curling evilly, luring its prey into the depths of its cruel, burning heart. The warmth increased as more branches were flung onto it’s out-of-bounds remains. Gooey marshmallows were showing off its pleasurable delights to the rest of my mouth. If the marshmallows were to be sandwiched in-between two chocolate digestive biscuits (like they did) then all my senses would be focused on one as I tasted real heaven. That’s most of my memories of the orchard and the Anderson bomb shelter.

Friday 1 April 2011

Cheadle in Staffordshire by Rani

The special place I have chosen is the breath-taking location of Cheadle in Staffordshire; it seems an  extraordinary place  to me because I have many joyful memories from there- many of them are from when I was really young, which somehow makes the memories even more indented in my mind. Cheadle is a really stunning location; here are just a few reasons why.
Come Christmas-time, Cheadle is decorated with stunning Christmas lights, chubby Santa’s, lively reindeer and twinkling Christmas trees are attached to the roofs  of peoples houses, drowning Cheadle in light. Every house has a warm glow, with people inside merrily dancing, singing and talking; all sat around the magnificent Christmas trees.
The only noise in Cheadle is the enchanting song of the morning birds, sitting high in the trees and the distant dog bark from somewhere in the hills. These noises are relaxing yet awakening in the early morning, and it is only far into the day when you hear a horse and carriage come trotting around the village.
In the summer, Cheadle is embellished with trees that wave in the calm breeze, the striking green grass in the parks and the sun giving off its heat at exactly the right temperature that makes Cheadle seem even more beautiful than it already is.
The market is a place of exquisite sounds, smells and sights; it is a bustling indoor market selling everything under the sun. From sweets to dog baskets and from scarves and hats to craft kits and stationery.  The business yet calmness of the market is mesmerising, shouts of the stall owners is relaxing although unbelievably deafening and always, without fail, you will buy something memorable at the market.
I ‘m sure that you understand now, how beautiful Cheadle is, and that your memories from there will remain with you forever….
By Rani

Southwold by Olivia

My special place is called Southwold in Norfolk. I’ve only been there a handful of times but I’ve enjoyed every single moment of it. Southworld is small but every street holds a different past.
When I first went to Southwold the first thing I saw was the many beach huts along the board walk. They were personalized and some of them look really funky. My favourite beach hut was called ‘THE BANANA HUT’.  Southwold also had a pier with a café on it and small souvenir shops, it also had this old fashion and really weird arcade games e.g. walk the dog, put your hand in the cage. I mostly spent my money there.
The smell was mouth watering as you could smell popcorn, candyfloss, ice cream and my all time favourite fish and chips.
You could hear many things like.  Laughter along the beach and the pier, seagulls and The Waves crashing on to the shore, but when you walked into the town it was quiet and old fashioned like a movie in the 1960’s
Touch: Although Southwold had beautiful scenery but there was a down side there were Wasp’s. Tons of Wasps.

Madame Tussauds by Lilly

Madame Tussauds
This special place fills my heart with excitement; just seeing the wax-work celebrities is so much fun! The queues are immense, but worth it. Tourist are the main people who fill Madame Tussauds, the popularity of them is increasing day by day. I love this place, an outstanding place to be; talking to Big Brother (A Channel 4 TV Show) in the Big Brother House. Viewing celebrities Young, old, new, dead. A…M…A…Z…I…N…G…!  When I go to Madame Tussauds (Normally twice a year) there is always something new, What Can The Future Hold?01
My mind is engulfed with tremendous memories back in the past at Madame Tussauds. My favourite most yet is seeing my face going inside the ghost train area, I was positive to go on the ghost train and that I could cope with the scariness. I Stood in line asking my mum what it would be like, all she could think of saying was, “Are you sure, it’s going to be scary. Can you deal with that?” I kept answering “yes!” but how did I know until I got right inside, I was in the queue hoping for it to hurry up. I was about six when I first went to Madame Tussauds, It was a great experience. When I finally got nearer to going inside, I looked around, staring at the heads hung from the ceiling; I was frightened Crazy, I screamed loudly, Madame Tussauds could have fallen down! My Heart was pounding ready to burst out of my chest, I walked away tensing my mother’s hand tight. As Tight as Tight can be!  That’s it; I was gone from that dungeon to enjoy the rest of my day.
Everyday, there is a new sound to hear, the noises made by some of the celebrities (eg. Jamie Oliver, he is right at the end of the Madam Tussauds journey, he is near the café (you can properly tell, him being a chef, it all makes sense)).
I can also hear everyone’s chattering to their children or friends who each person is. It’s very exiting to hear others and how they feel.
In the holidays it’s extremely packed with all different people, babies –toddlers –children –tweens -teens-young adults- adults- elderly; its full! I try to avoid going in holiday time as the queues are horrendous. I get in free because when I was younger I performed on blue peter; I got awarded a blue peter pass.
Would you like to explore Madame Tussauds?, be able to have pictures with them? Its in Baker Street, So get going and enjoy your self!
By Lilly

Cornwall by Khalida

I’m writing about Cornwall as my special place. It is one of my special places because of the following things that I thought was the best about it.
The Cottage
The cottage I stayed in had a small living room, a fire place and a small TV. I had a small box room with a bedside table with a lamp and a window which had the view of the seaside. My mum and dad shared a room that was big with a huge wardrobe a four poster bed and 2 windows with the view of the countryside!
The Bedroom
I think my room was the most special place to me of the whole cottage because it was very warm and cosy. Like I said I had a lamp. I liked the lamp because of the lamp shade around it and it was really bright. But always in the middle of the night I didn’t know how to turn it on so I always used to wake up, my dad to turn it on for me. He got really annoyed!
The Seaside
The sea was and azure blue colour it twinkled in the sunlight. The shore was pebbly so it was easy to find shells. Unfortunately for us it was too cold to paddle so we had a shell hunt. The shells were sparkling and beautiful. There were lots of fishing boats out at sea.                                  
Bike Riding
The bike riding was fun. My mum rode a bike and my dad rode a bike with a carriage attached and I was in it. When we were riding across the bridge we stopped every now and then to collect shells and stones that I like. Unfortunately that was the last thing we did in Cornwall. But it was amazing all the same. I enjoyed Cornwall that is why it is one of my special places.    

Cholwell by Isabella

My Special Place
When I step out of our car into the old hotel car park, the first thing I notice is the faint, somewhat sickening but also quite comforting smell of the countryside. The vines wrap around the old hotel castle-like buildings, and the sound of the river running through the town are always there to greet me upon my arrival. I climb the old stone steps with my heavy green suitcase, and push the stiff back door to the hotel.
The carpet in the hotel is a warm red colour, and the walls a yellowy gold. There is always a fire burning in the lounge, and the hotel is constantly cosy and welcoming. The garden at the hotel is a large lawn, with a river between it and the hotel itself. To get to it you cross a rickety old bridge, which is a very good place to play Pooh-Sticks.
The town itself is a small country village. There is a viaduct which acts like a large bridge above the main road. On one side of it, is a gorge with a path through its middle. Whatever the weather, the gorge is humid, and in winter, the waterfalls freeze. This is one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen.
My favourite thing about my favourite place though, is the stables. Even though I have my own horse, Boris, I can’t ride him because he’s too small for me, so I ride at the local stables, Cholwell. The stables in London where I ride would never dream of letting me do some of the things I do up on the moor with Cholwell. But I always feel safe, even when I am galloping recklessly on the stables’ naughtiest pony.

Chessington World of Adventures by Marsha

My Special Place Is: Chessington World Of Adventures!
By: Marsha
On July 2010 I went to Chessington. It looked soooooooooo cool. I could see a whole world of fun! I couldn’t wait to go on the roller coasters. I caught a glimpse of one of the roller coasters rushing passed; it was Vampire-the newest ride there. Purple and blue, the tracks spiralling around, it was breathtaking. Gasping with excitement I stared around there was another ride but it wasn’t a rollercoaster, it was called Ramses Revenge. It was a huge platform than you sat on and it went back and forth like a swing. Then it span you around very harshly. After that spin you would get water squirted into your face and all over you! It was amazing. There were other rides like Cobra, Dragons Fury and many other rides.
The first ride we were going on was vampire. As we entered the lair of the vampire I heard screams of terrified souls riding the magnificent rollercoaster. Loudly in the lair, there was also an organ being played by something that looked like a mad professor? My friend Khalidah was terrified of him she started crying and ran out of the lair. The rest of us waited for the car to come and it did. It screeched as it stopped and the mad professor laughed. Of course that didn’t scare us. We got in and we were so excited! The noise of the rollercoaster was awkward it sounded like a train. We set off…
Once the ride was over we went on it again and again and again. Afterwards we went on Dragons Fury which was as cool as Vampire but there was no lair. The car for this was orange with fire drawings on it. The beginning of the rollercoaster went up and away. Then it went down.  As we went around the track our car span around it was so cool. You could see trees and bushes. It felt like you were going to fall out into them. The ride was very quick so I wanted to go on it again but one of us didn’t want to so we carried on to the next ride.
Cobra was a boring ride. Basically what happens is everyone sits on this chair and they squeeze you in so you won’t fall out, it made you feel out of breath. Then the platform would go left to right, then faster and farer. It was so boring. It almost put me to sleep. Khalidah found it extra boring! Once the ride was over we had lunch.
After we ate lunch we franticly ran to the next ride which was…Rameses Revenge. The best ride there. There was a very long queue to get unto the gigantic platform but we still went. About 10 of us queued up but some left because they were so amazed and scared. Some people watched us get soaked and scream. We all got on eager for the ride to begin. “Faster harder more water” we all shouted during the ride. We were soaking wet afterwards. “Let’s go again” I shouted. But we were getting ready to leave.
Chessington is the best place for excitement and roller coasters. It is fun and ecstatic.